!doctype html> Rocky Mountaineers Retiree Association

Rocky Mountaineers History

In September, 2012, a group of Region 2 retirees were host to Forest Service retirees from throughout the country in a reunion held in Vail, CO.  Over 650 people attended this very successful 6th Forest Service reunion that was known as the Rendezvous in the Rockies.  At the final closeout of the Reunion the planning committee agreed that they would pursue the idea of creating a regional retiree association of some sort.  The committee felt that with the energy that was generated by the reunion and the commitment to create this organization that there would never be another time that was so favorable to taking this step forward.

In March 2013, a survey was done of Region 2 retirees to sense the level of support for creating such an organization.  Over 90% of those surveyed were supportive of establishing some sort of Regional association.  The “establishment committee” developed a set of bylaws and these were adopted and signed on July 9, 2013.  The Rocky Mountain Forest Service Association thus became a reality. 

Retirees throughout Region 2 had loosely organized local efforts for many years, but not until the formation of this organization had there been an effort to more formally create a Rocky Mountain Forest Service Association.  The intent is to represent all Region 2 retirees and others including current employees who were interested in being a part of the Rocky Mountaineers.