Memorial Grove History


The Memorial Grove was established in 1920 to honor Rocky Mountain Region soldiers killed in WWI.  The next year a memorial ceremony was held on May 29, 1921, at the Grove and 30 trees were planted to recognize not only the four soldiers who had been killed but also for other Forest Service employees who had died officially with the Service.  The original Grove had a memorial tree named, mapped and planted for each of the employees who had lost their lives.

The Grove is located on the grounds of the old Monument Tree Nursery, now the Monument Fire Center on the Pike’s Peak District of the Pike and San Isabel National Forests.  The Memorial Grove was established using transplanted Englemann spruce, blue spruce, and Douglas-fir trees from the Fremont Experimental Forest near Pikes Peak.

Today’s Memorial Grove continues to recognize and celebrate the carees, dedication, and contributions of all those Rocky Mountain Region employees who have died and left their legacies for future generations to help manage the National Forests and Grasslands of the Rocky Mountain Region.  The Memorial Grove ceremony also offers a special time and place to honor family members and friends of Forest Service employees for their critical support and personal sacrifices that contributed to the success of their loved and honored ones and the mission of the U.S. Forest Service.

After the Berry Fire in 1989, which partially burned a part of the Grove, it was decided a fitting monument with individual name plaques, attached annually, would be an appropriate replacement to honor past employees.  One young tree continues to be added each year to the Grove to commemorate all honorees of the year, and to maintain a living memorial to those who personally served the Rocky Mountain Region and their country. 

Since 1995, a memorial ceremony has been conducted on the first Saturday in May to highlight and reflect on those employees who helped make the Rocky Mountain Region a special place to live, work, and raise families.  Substantial work has been done on the Memorial Grove site to make it a unique setting for solitude and reflection.

The awareness of the Grove and its role in maintaining the special character and history of the Rocky Mountain Region continues to grow.  The Rocky Mountaineers has chosen to identify and commit the Memorial Grove as one of its primary mission objectives.   The Association, the Region, the Pike San Isabel National Forests and the Pikes Peak Ranger District jointly sponsor the dedication ceremony and deeply appreciate the support and financial contributions we receive to maintain this very special setting and the memories it provides.

A listing of all those who have been honored since 1919 and a list of the current criteria for recognition is included in this section.